Quick facts:
- weight: 98g;
- mounting: 6-bolt;
- rotor thickness: 1.9mm;
- bolts: Ti
- cheapest price I have been able to find with Ti bolts is $39.50 on Amazon - Avid HSX Heat Shedding Rotor, Black, 160mm
. This is a great price, by way of comparison, Wiggle was $78 and Chain Reaction Cycles wanted $60 per rotor;
I bought a couple of these to use in the wet. The more open chew through brake pads at a rapid rate when things get muddy.
The HSX rotor adds some weight (about 20g) but its well worth it for the increase in braking performance in the wet and the much reduced pad wear. Highly recommended for wet weather riding.

My original set lasted me a bit over a year of offroad riding in all conditions, including a lot of dust, rain and some mud. I've now replaced these with some new rotors, but these ones now have a black spider. I've also gone with a to reduce a little of the rear grabiness of my :