Vital stats
- diameter: 30.9mm
- length: 350mm
- claimed weight: 159g
- actual weight on my scales: 148g
Other observations
- tube is made from Scandium
- bolts are titanium
- seatpost cradle weighs 13g - perhaps some tuning possibilities here by replacing this with a carbon cradle
- machining marks on the outside of the tube are quite pronounced so you can probably expect the grooves to fill with dirt quickly and be hard to clean
- made in Taiwan
- no rider weight limit mentioned for this post (cf. slightly lighter weight carbon posts like the New Ultimate)
Some more pics
Seatpost cradle: the support surface of these types of cradles is not very large so there is a lot of pressure on the saddle rails in four very small patches. I'm currently using a WTB Ti railed saddle. I'll be keeping an eye on this area. I have an older Synchros seatpost and it looks like the saddle could be used with the KCNC post. It is heavier at 19g but provides support for the rails the full length of the cradle.

Close-up of head

There is a bit of a knack to fitting the saddle because the cradle, clamps and bolts can move around so much. I make sure I put anti seize on all contact points and the bolt threads. Without an assembly lubricant you've got no accurate way of knowing the bolts are at 4nm. The anti-seize also stops any creaking over time.
You need to do bring the bolts gradually up to tension and twist the seat side to side so that the cradle, clamps and bolts find their natural positions for your type of seat and angle. Tension, twist, repeat until you get to 4nm torque.
If you just do up the bolts then you stand a good chance of the cradle, bolts or clamps being slightly out and the seat will come loose over time.