Component weights
The fork itself with all fluids, v-brake bosses, headset race, star nut and 215mm steerer weighs 2000g.
Outers - 663g (with v-brake bosses fitted):

Crown steerer unit (CSU) - 747g:

Rebound shaft - 59g:

Compression damper and spring assembly - 283g:

Spring - 86g:

Air cap - 15g:

Weight tuning
Its possible to turn this 2kg fork into a 1600g fork as follows:
- remove compression damping cartridge;
- modify rebound damper with dual flow piston to handle both rebound and compression damping;
- inflate fork rebound side with air (fork is now air-spring only);
- tune air spring rate/curve by adjusting oil heights in rebound leg.
Once these mods are done, effectively one leg of the fork is now doing all of the work and the compression damping side (left leg) is now completely empty.
These mods will drop the total weight to around 1580g:

I made these mods as a "what-if" experiment on the bench. At no time did I ride this fork. To produce a rideable fork like this would require at least the following:
- making a beefier rebound damper rod - the current one is plastic and without the compression assembly, the rebound rod takes all of the force of the fork topping out - I doubt it would hold up to much riding. If it failed then the fork would come apart;
- making plugs to seal the compression side leg upper and lower openings - ideally you would make a lightweight assembly to replace the compression damper which would handle the bottom out forces and extension forces of the fork.