Bionicon repair

The weakpoint with the Bionicon is definitely the plastic part that the zip-ties go through to hold the guide onto the chain stay. The plastic is fairly brittle and thin, so in fairly short time it can break. It is available as a replacement part, but I decided to just make a slightly different system to fix the problem permanently.

Here's the part that breaks:

Broken clamp

Here's a replacement made from aluminium rod with two slots machined in (one on each end) to hold the zip ties: repaired back on the bike: repaired and back on the bike

Note: this approach only works if the guide is not mounted on the rear derailleur cable.

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Weighs 19g, two halves design makes installation easy. Seems very effective. Since installing on my daughter's 24" FS MTB she has not had a single dropped chain.

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